• Current Reading List

    Peaceful Action, Open Heart - Thich Nhat Hanh*** Eat, Pray, Love*** Peaceful Living - Mary Mackenzie(daily reader)*** The Vein of Gold - Julia Cameron (this is a read a chapter a week type book)*** Dubliners - James Joyce*** Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring - Jean Watson*** The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume I***
  • Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and I, I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.

Crazy Math Genius

Yeah, seriously. So change is inevitable. Right? That is how the old maxim goes, and generally I have found that to be one of the major truths about life (if there is any such thing as truth that is, truth being so relative). Ah, there I go, waxing philosophic. Prepare yourself for more of the same or just stop reading now. (I swear this has relevance).

So, I am supposed to be teaching a nursing math course this fall right? (oh, I forgot to blog about that, well I am and I am not excited about it).  Math of any sort has never been my cup of tea, and over the past few years I have come to the comfortable belief that my ineptitude in this area is just spanking okay. right as rain. one of those quirky things that makes me so loveable. And just as I am settling in to a comfortable state of acceptance…wham!…teaching a math course. sigh. I am reassured (I think a bit condescendingly – or maybe they just don’t understand my angst with math).  Maybe life is telling me that I am selling myself short…that this is an area of needed improvement, where I have the ability to improve. Or maybe life is telling me that it is time to move on. Whatever the case, it has been the cause for much reflection and introspection on my part. Change is coming (and may be drastic but that is cause for another post..on to my math geniusness)

So with the math thing…here is a beautiful illustration. I have decided to make curtains for my living/dining room. I measured the windows (inches) and thought hard about converting this into yards, but I started thinking about square inches and other random things and felt overwhelmed so I just stopped. I figured that whoever  cuts the fabric for me can help me translate the figures I retrieved into this language of yardage (which is really ridiculous that we still use yards…I mean seriously stone age, can’t figure it out). SO I found some pretty fabric. And I remembered that a yard is 36inches. So I thought, I can figure this out myself. I had her measure the fabric (all that was left on the spool or whatever you call it) and tell me how much was there…4.4 yards. I did some quick mental calculating (I swear I thought I did) and came to the conclusion that would be enough and maybe even a little extra.

When I got home I cut out the first curtain. It measures 35X58. As I started to work I got to thinking….58 in long curtains…..36inches times four plus some…..58in long curtains. Oh dear leaping froglegs…..Houston, we have a problem.

I am sad really, because the fabric is beautiful and would look marvelous in my living room.  But it will have to go in the den (only two windows in there). After I grieved that, I spent some time laughing at myself. Teaching a math course indeed.

Something is going to have to change.

One Response

  1. there is a real mathematics genius that resides at http://mymathgenius.blogspot.com/ it’s so cool!

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